The Evils of Comparison

What do you think of when you hear the word Comparison? What is your first thought and how does it make you feel? If there’s one sure-fire way of bringing yourself down quickly this would be it.

Comparison is evil. It tears us down because we aren’t satisfied with our own image, or our own unique personality. It changes who we are as we try to form ourselves to be someone we’re not just so we can be like someone or something else. We think if we mimic what someone else is doing, that we will become the way we want to be. But we know that is the furthest from the truth.

It is God that made us the way we are for a reason. We may not know our purpose now, but that’s why we seek God and trust in His plan, so we can unravel His plan for us, and in turn, find our purpose through Him. It’s up to us to decide if we are going to love ourselves the way God made us and intended us to be, or continue to compare ourselves to others and try to become someone we’re not and leave our special purpose unused. We each have something special about us that God blessed us with. That purpose is yours, and no one can take it away from you. Don’t try to live the other person’s life. You’re not them.

Jealousy steals time away from us. Face who you are and be proud of the gifts God has blessed you with. Go after your passions God put there in your heart and live life to the fullest and give Him the credit for the blessing.

Written by Tamera Boynton

No matter what happens, do not give up on the Lord, for He will never give up on you. God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 He has promised many things to you, including hope and a great future. So no matter what happens to you or in your life, those promises will always stand.

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Welcome to Walking In Grace By Faith. I created my blog to share Christian Devotionals, Scriptures, and Testimonials. I am a Wife of 30 years, Mother to a son and daughter, Substitute Teacher, A Nana and a Blogger. My hobbies are many, ranging from Traveling all over by plane or car with my husband. Hobbies are Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Cooking, Crafting, Painting, and much more. My life is busy with traveling and adventuring with my husband. Posts will be random and I do share other posts from other sites when I can to be supporting all those out there to be heard and seen. If you would like to view my blog and follow along, feel free to send a request to do so.

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